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Eagle's Nest


Crash the scene with American Barbell at the Olympia for a hardcore, action-packed showdown featuring epic strength and fitness challenges! From the brutal 100lb Plate Carry and insane Max Lift Competitions to fierce Team Relays and high-energy Fitness Trivia, we’ve got something to push everyone to their limits. Dive into expert-led Technique Workshops, compete for prizes, and connect with top fitness influencers. Don’t miss out on our branded gear and merchandise wall, the adrenaline-pumping interactive photo booth, and real-time leaderboards that showcase the strongest contenders. Share your journey with #EAGLEStrength #Olympia #AmericanBarbell and celebrate raw strength, unstoppable community, and relentless excellence with American Barbell!









Description: Step into the Eagle’s Nest at the Olympia for American Barbell’s Calorie Crush Challenge—a true test of high-end capacity and your ability to go anaerobic. This competition is all about speed, power, and precision. Your mission? Torch through a 10-calorie burn on the bike faster than anyone else. Set your sights on the goal, crank up the intensity, and pedal your way to victory. It’s not just about finishing—it’s about finishing first. Are you ready to ignite the burn and claim your spot as the ultimate Calorie Crusher?

Calorie Crush Challenge Rules

  1. Objective: The goal is to burn 10 calories on the Eagle bike faster than any other participant. The participant who burns the most calories in the shortest time wins.
  2. Participation: Participants must register at the Eagle’s Nest booth prior to the challenge. Each participant will be assigned a time slot to compete.
  3. Equipment: The challenge will take place on a designated Eagle bike provided by American Barbell. The bike’s settings will be standardized for all participants to ensure fairness.
  4. Starting the Challenge: Each participant will start from a complete stop. The timer will begin as soon as the participant starts pedaling.
  5. Calorie Goal: The calorie target is 10. Participants must reach or exceed this target to complete the challenge.
  6. Timer: The timer stops automatically when the participant reaches the calorie target. The final time will be recorded and compared against other participants.
  7. Winning Criteria: In the 10-Calorie Crush Challenge, participants will compete to burn 10 calories on the bike in the shortest time, with the fastest male and female being declared the winners.
  8. Safety: Participants must maintain proper form throughout the challenge. Any form of unsafe or reckless behavior may result in disqualification. In case of any discomfort or fatigue, participants are advised to stop immediately.
  9. Judging: A judge will be present to oversee each attempt, ensure adherence to the rules, and record the final time. All decisions made by the judge are final.
  10. Prizes: The winner of the Calorie Crush challenge will receive a prize, which will be announced at the start of the event.
  11. Disqualification: Any participant caught tampering with the bike settings or engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct will be disqualified.
  12. Participation Waiver: All participants must sign a waiver acknowledging that they are in good health and capable of participating in this high-intensity challenge.


Description: Enter the Eagle’s Nest at the Olympia and put your strength to the test with American Barbell’s Deadlift Rep-Off. In this competition, it’s all about muscular endurance and power output as you perform as many deadlifts as possible within a set time. With every rep, you’ll push your limits and showcase your might. The more reps you crank out, the closer you are to victory. Are you ready to lift, rep, and dominate the stage? Show us what you’ve got in this ultimate deadlift showdown!

Deadlift Rep-Off Challenge Rules

  1. Objective: The goal is to perform as many deadlifts as possible in 3-minutes. The participant with the highest number of successful reps at the end of 3-minutes wins. The Deadlift Rep-Off weight will be based on body weight.
  2. Participation: Participants must register at the Eagle’s Nest booth prior to the challenge. Each participant will be assigned a time slot to compete.
  3. Equipment: The competition will use a barbell loaded to a percentage of each participant’s body weight, ensuring a fair challenge where the weight is tailored to the individual’s strength level.
  4. Starting the Challenge: Each participant will start from a designated starting position. The timer will begin as soon as the participant completes the first lift.
  5. Technique: Sumo-style is not allowed.     
  6. Time Limit: The time limit for the challenge will be set and announced before the competition begins. Participants must complete as many reps as possible within this time frame.
  7. Resting: Participants may rest at any point during the challenge, but the timer will continue running. The number of reps must be maximized within the allotted time.
  8. Winning Criteria: The participant who completes the most valid reps within the time limit will be declared the winner.
  9. Safety: Participants must adhere to all safety guidelines. Any signs of fatigue or improper form should result in immediate discontinuation to prevent injury. Spotters will be available for assistance if needed.
  10. Judging: Judges will oversee each attempt to ensure rules are followed and reps are counted accurately. All decisions made by the judges are final.
  11. Prizes: The winner of the Deadlift Rep-Off challenge will receive a prize, which will be announced at the start of the event.
  12. Disqualification: Any participant caught using improper technique, engaging in unsafe behavior, or showing unsportsmanlike conduct will be disqualified.
  13. Participation Waiver: All participants must sign a waiver acknowledging that they are in good health and capable of participating in this physically demanding challenge.


Description: Take the stage at the Eagle’s Nest in the Olympia for American Barbell’s Power Clean Showdown. This challenge is all about explosive strength and flawless technique as you perform as many power cleans as possible within a set time. Each rep pushes your limits, testing your power, speed, and endurance. Whether you’re an Olympic lifting pro or aiming to prove your prowess, this is your chance to show what you’re made of. How many reps can you power through before time runs out? Step up and take on the challenge—glory awaits!

Power Clean Showdown Challenge Rules

  1. Objective: The goal is to complete as many power clean reps as possible within a set time limit. The participant with the highest number of successful reps at the end of the time period wins.
  2. Participation: Participants must register at the Eagle’s Nest booth prior to the challenge. Each participant will be assigned a time slot to compete.
  3. Equipment: The competition will use a standardized barbell with a specific weight that will be announced before the challenge. The weight will be the same for all participants to ensure fairness.
  4. Starting the Challenge: Each participant will start from a designated starting position with the barbell on the ground. The timer will begin as soon as the participant completes the first power clean.
  5. Technique: Proper form is essential for this challenge. You must achieve full hip extension at the top of the lift without bouncing the bar off the ground—only a light touch is allowed. Additionally, the bar must finish in the front rack position above the chest, resting on the shoulders.
  6. Time Limit: The time limit for the challenge will be set and announced before the competition begins. Participants must complete as many reps as possible within this time frame.
  7. Counting Reps: Only reps performed with proper form will be counted. A judge will be present to ensure form and count reps. The judge’s decision on rep validity is final.
  8. Resting: Participants may rest at any point during the challenge, but the timer will continue running. The number of reps must be maximized within the allotted time.
  9. Winning Criteria: The participant who completes the most valid reps within the time limit will be declared the winner.
  10. Safety: Participants must adhere to all safety guidelines. Any signs of fatigue or improper form should result in immediate discontinuation to prevent injury. Spotters will be available for assistance if needed.
  11. Judging: Judges will oversee each attempt to ensure rules are followed and reps are counted accurately. All decisions made by the judges are final.
  12. Prizes: The winner of the Power Clean Showdown will receive a prize, which will be announced at the start of the event.
  13. Disqualification: Any participant caught using improper technique, engaging in unsafe behavior, or showing unsportsmanlike conduct will be disqualified.
  14. Participation Waiver: All participants must sign a waiver acknowledging that they are in good health and capable of participating in this physically demanding challenge.


Description: Join us in the Eagle’s Nest at the Olympia for American Barbell’s Bench for Boobs challenge. This powerful event combines strength with purpose as participants compete to complete the most bench press reps, all in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Every rep counts not just for victory, but for a cause that matters. Show your power on the bench, lift for those impacted by breast cancer, and be part of a movement that’s about more than just muscle. Are you ready to press for a purpose and help us raise awareness? Step up and make every rep count!

Bench for Boobs Challenge Rules

  1. Objective: The goal is to complete the maximum number of bench press reps within a set time limit. Each rep will contribute to raising awareness for Breast Cancer, and the participant with the most successful reps will win.
  2. Participation: Participants must register at the Eagle’s Nest booth prior to the challenge. Each participant will be assigned a time slot to compete.
  3. Equipment: The competition will use a standardized bench press setup provided by American Barbell. The weight used will be the same for all participants to ensure fairness and will be announced before the challenge begins.
  4. Starting the Challenge: Participants will start in a designated area on the bench press with the barbell racked. The timer will begin as soon as the participant unracks the barbell and completes the first rep.
  5. Time Limit: The time limit for the challenge will be set and announced before the competition begins. Participants must complete as many reps as possible within this time frame.
  6. Counting Reps: Only reps performed with proper form will be counted. A judge will be present to ensure form and count successful reps. The judge’s decision on rep validity is final.
  7. Resting: Participants may rest at any point during the challenge, but the timer will continue running. The number of reps must be maximized within the allotted time.
  8. Winning Criteria: The participant who completes the most valid reps within the time limit will be declared the winner.
  9. Safety: Participants must adhere to all safety guidelines. Spotters will be available to assist if needed. Any signs of fatigue, improper form, or unsafe behavior should result in immediate discontinuation to prevent injury.
  10. Judging: Judges will oversee each attempt to ensure rules are followed and reps are counted accurately. All decisions made by the judges are final.
  11. Prizes: The winner of the Bench for Boobs challenge will receive a prize, which will be announced at the start of the event.
  12. Disqualification: Any participant caught using improper technique, engaging in unsafe behavior, or showing unsportsmanlike conduct will be disqualified.
  13. Participation Waiver: All participants must sign a waiver acknowledging that they are in good health and capable of participating in this physically demanding challenge.


Description: Step into the Eagle’s Nest at the Olympia and test your strength and endurance with American Barbell’s Olympic Plate Power Carry. This challenge is all about determination and stamina as you attempt to carry a 100LB Olympic plate over a set distance. Do you have the grit to conquer the weight and claim victory? Step up, lift with all your might, and see if you can power through to the finish line!

Olympic Plate Power Carry Rules:

  1. Objective: The goal is to carry a 100LB Olympic plate for a set distance as quickly as possible. The participant with the fastest time wins.
  2. Participation: Participants must register at the Eagle’s Nest booth before the challenge. Each participant will be assigned a time slot to compete.
  3. Equipment: The competition will use a 100LB American Barbell Olympic plate. The weight is standardized for all participants.
  4. Starting the Challenge: Participants will start in a designated area with the plate on the ground. The timer begins as soon as the participant lifts the plate.
  5. Form and Technique: Participants must maintain proper posture throughout the carry. The plate must be held securely with both hands at all times. Dropping the plate will result in a time penalty.
  6. Time Limit: Participants must complete the carry within the shortest time possible. The challenge is complete when the participant crosses the finish line with the plate.
  7. Distance: The specific distance of the carry will be announced prior to the event.
  8. Winning Criteria: The participant who carries the plate across the finish line in the shortest time wins.
  9. Safety: Participants must follow all safety guidelines. If any signs of fatigue or improper form are noticed, participants may be asked to stop to prevent injury. Spotters will be present for assistance.
  10. Judging: Judges will monitor the carry to ensure the rules are followed. They will also ensure participants maintain proper form throughout the challenge. All decisions by the judges are final.
  11. Prizes: The winner will receive a prize, which will be announced at the start of the event.
  12. Disqualification: Participants who drop the plate multiple times, use improper technique, or show unsportsmanlike behavior will be disqualified.
  13. Participation Waiver: All participants must sign a waiver acknowledging that they are in good health and capable of participating in this physically demanding challenge.



Description: Discover the strength within at the Eagle’s Nest during the Olympia with American Barbell’s Why Women Lift seminar. This empowering women’s weightlifting seminar delves into the reasons behind why women lift and how it transforms both body and mind. Whether you’re new to weightlifting or a seasoned athlete, this seminar offers expert insights on technique, training strategies, and the benefits of strength training. Connect with like-minded women, learn from top professionals, and celebrate the power of lifting. It’s time to embrace your strength and understand why women everywhere are picking up the barbell.


Description: Step into the Eagle’s Nest at the Olympia for American Barbell’s Squattopotamus: The Ultimate Squat Demonstration. This live demo is all about showcasing the power and versatility of the squat. Watch as expert trainers demonstrate the proper form and techniques for box squats, back squats, and more. Whether you’re looking to refine your technique or learn new squat variations, this demonstration will provide the insights you need to elevate your squat game. Perfect for lifters of all levels, this event will leave you with the knowledge and confidence to squat like a pro. Join us and see the Squattopotamus in action!